In today’s world, it seems that the only news we receive anymore has to do with the pandemic. Sure, there are some ‘feel good’ news stories thrown in once in a while to keep our spirits up and remind us that the world isn’t all doom and gloom, but news about the pandemic reigns supreme. And why not? After all, the pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives from the way we work, to the way we ship packages around the world.

     Increased border security, travel bans, and tensions rising between world governments has made shipping products from one country or region to another more difficult. This increased difficulty has shown the importance of reliable cold chain logistics services, especially with the increased shipment of important vaccines.

     Different vaccines require different temperatures both in storage and during shipping which adds a new level of difficulty to global vaccine shipping. As an example, when pre-packed boxes are shipped by refrigerated vehicle or aircraft, they might require a specific temperature to ensure the efficacy of the vaccine. Then the packages must receive approval to be moved to storage freezers where they can be stored for months at a time at another, predetermined, temperature. Only an experienced cold chain logistics partner can ensure that these temperatures are maintained and tracked.

Partner With A Global Shipping Leader

     It is for this very reason that partnering with a global shipping leader is more important than ever and why more companies, including pharmaceutical companies, are partnering with Cold Chain Packing & Logistics.

     While the pandemic might have changed the way the shipping industry operates, making shipment monitoring no longer a “nice-to-have”, but a “must-have”, Cold Chain Packing & Logistics has given global companies and organisations some much needed peace of mind.

Bespoke Shipment Monitoring Solutions

     Through their innovative shipment monitoring solutions which feature their GD100 TRACKER GPS tracking device and LIBERO G Real-Time Data Loggers, the team of global shipping experts can ensure deliveries anywhere in the world that are accurately tracked and that provide the client with real world usable data.

     Cold Chain Packing & Logistics’ bespoke shipment monitoring solutions offer on-road delivery planning, in-transit cold chain goods salvaging, cold chain warehouse compliance automation, protection of high-value inventory in-transit, and auto-updating transport compliance paperwork.

Cold Chain Packing & Logistics’ Solutions Meet World Health Organization’s good distribution practices (GDP) regulations

     Cold Chain Packing & Logistics’ custom tailored solutions are designed to comply with the World Health Organization’s good distribution practices (GDP) regulations as well as Saudi FDA guidelines. These include:

  • ‘The temperature and humidity parameters that must be maintained for each product or product type; these parameters are determined by the product label, or when acceptable, the manufacturer’s stability data.
  • The transport mode and/or vehicles to be used.
  • The required level of service.
  • Acceptable levels of risk to product and performance.
  • The types of packaging.
  • The types of temperature and humidity monitoring devices to be employed and the acceptable level of accuracy of these devices.
  • Specific service actions such as go/no-go decision-making in the event of a temperature excursion event, or more complex analytical data gathering and reporting requirements.’

Contact Cold Chain Packing & Logistics

     To learn more about the importance of shipment monitoring and why a temperature-controlled pharma logistics company is important to the global distribution of that vaccine, contact Cold Chain Packing & Logistics today and speak with a Pharma Logistics distribution expert who can answer any questions you might have.

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1 thought on “The Importance Of Shipment Monitoring

  1. Alfred Ocheyo says:

    Very very good source of info. thank you very much

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