The global pharmaceuticals market is forecast to grow to over $1 trillion by 2022 driven by aging demographics in developed countries and rising wealth levels in developing countries. A proportion of this market is expected to be biologics, such as those used in gene therapy. Given these growth trends, the losses can be expected to grow too, unless preventive logistic processes are implanted to protect the goods during both shipping and storing. Improving the existing supply chains to ensure a focus on precise temperature monitoring, cold chain monitoring, and data logging can help preserve the integrity of product, save money, and provide better treatments for patients.

The spending of cold chain logistics in 2017 globally was over £13 billion for biopharmaceutical goods alone. 20-40% of the products included in this estimate are damaged before they even reach the end-user. The losses worldwide are immense, especially with the global spending in the industry being on a constant rise.

The cold chain logistics store healthcare supplies at the proper temperature range during warehouse storage and transport, package, and ship according to recommended protocols, maintain recommended cold chain conditions in the supply chain, and store and treat properly at point of care locations. In addition, there is a growing need for all types of medications that aid in the treatment of an increasing number of chronic and life-style related diseases. These medications use cold chain logistics to ensure safe distribution to patients.

The growing healthcare industry

Pharmaceutical products are sensitive to certain circumstances, compared to any other product in the industry. Many medications and clinical trials are sensitive to heat, humidity, and light. While some chemicals are also sensitive to vibrations.

While many of these have lifesaving capabilities, it can be difficult to develop and transport and store due to each and every product having to be perfect. You won’t want medication that has fatal side effects.

To maintain effectiveness, different materials will need to be stored in different ways and at different temperatures. The risk of the product being spoiled is high, especially if there is a change in temperature of incorrect handling, resulting in ineffective vaccines. As well as this risk, you are also increasing the chances of reputation damage.

Below is listed factors which can lead to damage:

  • Dropped packaging
  • Exposed to temperatures outside the safe range
  • Exposure to light
  • Incorrect preconditioning of cooling elements
  • Incorrect packaging configuration
  • Non-validated packaging solution
  • Incorrect humidity settings
  • Shocks and vibrations during transportation casing packing to fall over or tilt.

At Cold Chain Packing & Logistics we provide professional and tailor-made supply chain solutions using powerful technology and knowledge to ensure all our customers are getting efficiency and dedication throughout their shipment. Whether it is a transport of raw materials or fully assembled products, our team trained teams of specialists are equipped to take care of your shipment.

-Nabil Awan, CEO of Cold Chain Packing & Logistics

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